Gallery TAIK is delighted to present the first solo exhibition of Finnish artist Ida Pimenoff in Berlin. The exhibition A Shadow at the Edge of Every Moment of the Day presents works of the correspondent series from 2005–2011 that was recently published in Pimenoff´s first monograph by Kehrer.
The work of Ida Pimenoff is characterized by the sensitive inquiry of very personal feelings such as losing and longing. In her photographs the artist creates sublime sceneries that play with the ambiguity of emotions adhered in between imagination and reality. A dreamlike atmosphere emanates from Pimenoff´s works depicting intimate portraits, brumous landscapes and close-ups of commonplaces. These umbral silhouettes and reflections are arranged in strong contrasts of light and dark.
"I think of my images as fiction. They are pieces of a story that is rnvery autobiographical but at the same time it is not." the artist rnexplains in an interview about her series. In fact, Pimenoff´s rnphotographs have a strong narrative character akin to film stills. The rnscenes that the artist intuitively chooses can be seen as fractions of rnan entire play. The captured moment recommits to a situation that seems rnto have just passed as well as it refers to something that might befall rnthe forthcoming instant. Nevertheless, both past and future are present rnin Pimenoff´s depictions.
rnFurther evident dualisms can be perceived in the work of Ida rnPimenoff: The interplay of the apparent and the absent results from her rninitial impellent to depict both what is real and what might be the rntraces of a dream. In her photographs, Pimenoff composes interesting rnconvergences that allude to the threshold of visible and subconscious rnreality. It is because of that artistic quality the work of Pimenoff rnobtains an intense oneiric character. By implementing the dualism of rnlightness and darkness, the artist creates an atmosphere of an rnintermediate world. Through the use of these characteristic antipoles rnand the distinctive selection of detailed fragments Pimenoff´s rnphotographs gain a high level of abstraction that leads to a mergence ofrn space and form. The artist´s intelligent appliance of the oppositions rninduces a tense relation in between what is ostensibly evident and what rnis imaginary, fictional, illusive. It is the reference to the suggestivern world of dreams that creates the sentiment of consolatory melancholy inrn Ida Pimenoff works.
rn- Jenny Rosemarie Mannhardt