Publisher: Kehrer Verlag, 2023
Texts: Thomas
Heyden, Antje-Britt Mählmann, Eugénie Shinkle Elina Brotherus, Sarah
Lampe and Interviews with René Block, Elina Brotherus, Emil Schult
Design: Tobias Jacob and Torsten Illner
Format: 17 x 24 cm
Pages: 256 pages, Hardcover
Language: English, German
ISBN: 978-3-96900-148-6
In her analysis of Beuys, Elina Brotherus changes perspectives and plays with the female gaze on the iconic German artist. The well-known Finnish photo and video artist Elina Brotherus (b. 1972) deals with iconic motifs from art history as well as with the reinterpretation of Fluxus actions and event scores, the recordings of performances. In this context, the artist has also restaged Joseph Beuys’s action Kartoffelernte (Potato Harvest), which originally took place in 1977 in front of the gallery of René Block, an important champion of FLUXUS and Beuys.
Publisher: Kehrer Verlag, Summer 2021
Texts: Elina Brotherus, Nicolai Tangen, Timo Valjakka
Design: Dog Design, Helsinki, Ilona Ilottu
Format: 22,5 x 28,5 cm
Pages: 120 with 57 illustrations
Language: English
ISBN 978-3-96900-033-5
A Logbook
Sørlandet, »the Southland«, is the southernmost tip of Norway. Some call it the »Norwegian Riviera«. Going north, the rocky archipelago soon gives way to granitic mountains and mountain valleys. Yet, the sea is never far – Norway has the longest coastline in Europe.
Elina Brotherus’ photographic practice is based on making visual discoveries. When she finds a place that pleases her, she starts to play with the human figure, trying to incorporate it in the image in an intriguing way. Brotherus has a habit of using art history, and in Sørlandets Kunstmuseum’s collection she found entry points for this new body of work: some pieces are based on 19th century Romantic paintings, yet others on performative scores, i.e. by Yoko Ono, Geoffrey Hendricks, VALIE EXPORT, John Baldessari, or the Norwegian performance artist Kurt Johannesen. Seabound is her eleventh monograph.

Publisher: Hatje Cantz, 2019.
Ed. Timothy Persons, Asia Zak Persons, text(s) by Grey Crawford, Antje-Britt Mählmann, Timothy Persons, Marja Sakari, graphic design by Full Metal Jacket.
Format: 24 x 29 cm
Language: English
ISBN 978-3-7757-4699-1
Persons Projects is happy to present the new volume of The Helsinki School: The Nature of Being, Vol. 6. The publication has been launched Saturday 7 November during Paris Photo Fair 2019.
It concentrates on bringing together the various approaches used by the School’s representatives to conceptualize nature visibly. The stated goal is not to limit oneself to purely physical depictions of animals, plants, and landscapes. Nature ought to be expressed through a di¤erent type of unit and with a new way of gauging time. Days, months, and seasons become the points of crystallization for time. Thus, the photographs reflect a Nordic sense about feelings of loneliness, jealousy, or desire. The works provide photographic insight into the complex horizon of emotions that characterize our individual views of nature. They do not portray landscape as such, but the world in which we live.
Since the 1990s the name Helsinki School has been used to describe a group of fine art photographers who studied, taught, or graduated from the Aalto University’s School of Art, Design and Architecture. The term unites a consistent conceptual approach.
Photographs and Literature
from Finnish Artists and Writers
Published by: Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, 2014
Format: Softcover
Pages: 159 Pages
Artists from the Helsinki School:
Elina, Brotherus, Santeri Tuori,
Nelli Palomäki, Ulla Jokisalo
Language: English / German
Exhibition catalogue
ISBN 978-3-00-047240-4Published by: Hatje Cantz, 2014
Format: 29.50 x 24.50 cm, hardcover
Pages: ca. 256 pages, ca. 180 illustrations
Texts: Holger Broeker, Alistair Hicks,Erika Hoffman-Koenige,
Andréa Holzherr,Timothy Persons, Lyle Rexer, Pari Stave,
Christoph Tannert, Jyrki Parantainen
Language: English
Graphic design by: Hannes Aechter
ISBN 978-3-7757-3901-6
Hatje Cantz
I find it amazing that after twenty years of existence, the Helsinki School cannot be defined by any one fixed point of view. Conceptually there is a red thread connecting one generation to another in the way they perceive and present their ideas but not necessarily in how they apply them.
– Timothy Persons (introduction)
Elina Brotherus: Artist and Her Model
Published by: Le Caillou Bleu, 2012.
Format: 21 x 25cm, Hardcover
Texts: Susan Bright and Timo Kelaranta
Pages: 224 pages
Artist: Elina Brotherus
ISBN 978-2-930537-15-3Liisa Ihmemaassa
Alice in Wonderland
Published by: The Finnish Museum of Photography, 2011
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 179 Pages
Texts: Sheyi Bankale, Reetta Haarajoki, Elina Heikka,
Kati Lintonen, Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Tiina Rauhala,
Erja Salo
Artists from the Helsinki School:
Elina Brotherus, Anni Leppälä, Ulla Jokisalo, Susanna Majuri,
Nelli Palomäki, Riitta Päiväläinen, Tuomo Rainio
Language: Finnish / English / Swedish
The Finnish Museum of Photography publication 34
Exhibition catalogue
ISBN 978-951-9086-82-8
ISSN 1239-6141The Helsinki School
Vol. 4 - A Female View
Published by: Hatje Cantz in 2011.
Format: 29.00 x 24.00 cm, hardcover
Pages: 192 pages., ca. 190 color illustrations
Edited: Aalto University - School of Art and Design
Texts: Andrea Holzherr, Timothy Persons
Artists: Elina Brotherus, Nanna Hänninen, Maarit Hohteri Wilma Hurskainen, Tiina Itkonen, Ulla Jokisalo, Aino Kannisto, Sanna Kannisto, Sandra Kantanen, Marjaana Kella,
Milja Laurila, Anni Leppälä, Jaana Maijala, Susanna Majuri, Riitta Päiväläinen, Nelli Palomäki, Marjukka Vainio, Ea Vasko, Niina Vatanen, Saana Wang, Pernilla Zetterman
Designed by: Margarethe 'Hausstätter, Claudia Stein
Language: English
ISBN 978-3-7757-3211-6
The fourth volume of the books of the Helsinki School focuses on female artists, inquiring into the possibility of a special female point of view. Innovative concepts and techniques as well as a variety of forms distinguish the work of this generation of photographers – the spectrum ranges from Tiina Itkonen´s documentary style pictures of Greenland and Anni Leppälä´s theatrically staged interiors to the painterly nature studies by Sandra Kantanen.

Next Level Helsinki Issue
Published by: Next Level projects Ltd, 2010
Artists from the Helsinki School:
Jorma Puranen, Niko Luoma, Santeri Tuori,
Elina Brotherus, Ola Kolehmainen, Hannu Karjalainen,
Ulla Jokisalo, Jyrki Parantainen, Pertti Kekarainen,
Milja Laurila, Anni Leppälä, Susanna Majuri
Language: English
ISSN 1476-4369Polku valokuva- ja videotaidenäyttely Ways Often Wandered Photography and Video Art Exhibition
Published by: Honkahovi taidekeskus, 2010
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 87 Pages
Text: Leevi Haapala, Janne Salminen
Artists from the Helsinki School:
Elina Brotherus, Janne Lehtinen, Jouko Lehtola,
Anni Leppälä, Niko Luoma
Language: Finnish /English / Swedish
Exhibition catalogue
ISBN 978-952-67402-1-8Photography matters: The Helsinki School
Published by: StatoilHydro art programme, 2010
Text by: Jens R Jenssen, Timothy Persons
Artists: Anni Leppälä, Elina Brotherus, Aino Kannisto,
Hannu Karjalainen, Pertti Kekarainen, Ola Kolehmainen,
Susanna Majuri, Tiina Itkonen, Ilkka Halso, Kalle Kataila,
Language: English
Exhibition catalogue
Helsinki 10
Edited by: Rogaland Art Museum, Stavanger, NO, 2010
Artists: Elina Brotherus, Ilkka Halso
Tiina Itkonen, Aino Kannisto
Hannu Karjalainen, Kalle Kataila
Pertti Kekarainen, Ola Kolehmainen
Anni Leppälä, Susanna Majuri
Language: English
Exhibition catalogue
ISBN 9788292940037The New Painting Elina Brotherus
Published by: Next Level & Creative Scape, 2005
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 74 Pages
Text: Susanna Pettersson, Andrea Holzherr
Artist: Elina Brotherus
Language: English /French
ISBN 0-9546008-1-9Magnetic North: Current Installation Photography in Finland
Published by: New Art Gallery Walsall (Jan. 1 1999)
Edited by: Caryn Faure Walker
Hardcover: 128 pages
Artists: Elina Brotherus, Marjaana Kella,
Ola Kolehmainen, Andrei Lajunen, Jyrki Parantainen
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9515580846
ISBN-13: 978-951558084911x98 taik
Published by: University of Art and Design UIAH, 1998
Format: Softcover
Artists: Tiina Itkonen, Kim Simonsson, Mirka Mustonen, Matti Pyykkö, Camilla Maria Björkman, Merja Ranki, Chikako Harada, Elina Brotherus, Riitta Päiväläinen, Andrei Lajunen, Santeri Tuori
Language: English
Exhibition catalogue