Download Kulik's CV here
Born 1947 in Wrocław, Poland. Lives and works in Warsaw (Łomianki).
Selected solo exhibitions
2024 Rhythms of Power, Francisco Carolinum Linz, AU
2023 Splendor of the Artisan, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, FR
2019 Quotes from the Archive, ŻAK | BRANICKA, Berlin, DE
2019 An Image as Part of the Whole / Obraz jako część całości, Interphoto, Alfons Karny Sculpture
Museum, Bialystok, PL
2018 SHE and HE, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, DE (KwieKulik)
2017 Badischer Kunstverein Atrium, Karlsruhe, DE
2016 Glasgow Sculpture Studios, Glasgow, UK
2016 The Monument Without a Passport, ŻAK | BRANICKA, Berlin, DE (KwieKulik)
2014 Instead of sculpture – Sequences 1968-71, ŻAK | BRANICKA, Berlin, DE
2010 Activities with Dobromierz, ŻAK | BRANICKA, Berlin, DE (KwieKulik)
2009 Form is a Fact of Society, BWA Wroclaw, PL
2008 Splendour of Myself, ŻAK | BRANICKA, Berlin, DE
2008 Dobromierz X, Atlas Sztuki, Lodz, PL (KwieKulik)
2006 Made in GDR, USSR, Chechoslovakia and Poland, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw, PL
2005 From Siberia to Cyberia, Museum Bochum, DE
2005 From Siberia to Cyberia, Kunsthalle Rostock, DE
2004 Self-portraits and the Garden, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw, PL
2004 Archives of Gestures (1987-1991), Starmach Gallery, Krakow, PL
2004 From Siberia to Cyberia 1998-2004, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw; Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, PL
1999 KwieKulik - the Missing Link. Selected Works: 1967-87 Galeria Miejska, Poznan, PL (KwieKulik)
1998 The Human Motif IV, National Gallery, Prague, CZ
1997 Symbolic Weapon IV, Polish Pavilion, 47th Venice Biennale, Venice, IT
1996 The Human Motif III, ZONE Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
1995 Still Man, Lombard-Freid Fine Arts, New York, USA
1994 Der Riss im Raum, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, DE
1993 All the Missiles are One Missile, State Gallery of Art, Sopot, PL
1990 Idioms of The Soc-ages, Postmasters Gallery, New York, USA
1987 Franklin Furnace, New York, USA (KwieKulik)
1986 Dziekanka, Warsaw, PL (KwieKulik)
1985 Dziekanka, Warsaw, PL (KwieKulik)
1984 Dziekanka, Warsaw, PL (KwieKulik)
1983 Moltkerei Werkstatt, Köln, DE (KwieKulik)
1981 Free International University, Düsseldorf, DE (KwieKulik)
1978 Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, PL (KwieKulik)
1971 Współczesna Gallery, Warsaw, PL (KwieKulik)
Selected group exhibitions
2024 And Now Photography., Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, PL
2024 Zerreißprobe. Kunst zwischen Politik und Gesellschaft, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, DE
2024 Chcemy całego życia., Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, PL
2024 Contemporary Collection, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
2024 Towards Oraganic Geometry, National Museum of Szczecin, PL
2024 Constellations, Raster Gallery, Warsaw, PL
2024 Tears of Happiness, Zacheta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL
2023 Paszporty POLITYKI – 30 lat w sztuce, State Gallery of Art Sopot, Sopot, PL
2023 Kyiv Biennial in Vienna: Augarten Contemporary, Vienna; 18 .10 — 17. 12. 2023
2022 Tectonic Movements. On the Artistic Symptoms of the Transition, Art Museum Łódź, PL
2022 Gloss, Matt, Colour. Photography and Warsaw in the 1990s, Museum of Warsaw, Warsaw, PL
2022 Notes from a Seamstress’ Daughter, Persons Projects, Berlin, DE
2022 Belonging, European Investment Bank (EIB), St Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick, IR
2022 Why Hasn’t Everything Disappeared Yet?, Kunstmuseum Bochum, DE
2021 The Artist Is Present. MOCAK Collection, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art, Kraków, PL
2021 Collection Co–selection, U-jazdowski, Warsaw, PL
2019 The Medea Insurrection. Radical women artist behind the Iron Curtain, Wende Museum, Culver City,
2019 New Collection Gallery, MoMA, New York, USA
2019 Change the Setting. Polish Theatrical and Social Set Design of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Zachęta
Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, PL
2018 Abstraction as an Open Experiment, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, EE
2018 The Medea Insurrection. Radical women artist behind the Iron Curtain, Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau,
Dresden, DE
2018 Camera Austria, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, AT
2018 Skip the Line, Biennale Warszawa, Warsaw, PL (KwieKulik)
2018 Avant-garde and the State, Art Museum, Lodz, PL (KwieKulik)
2018 Exercises in Freedom. Polnische Konzeptkunst 1968–1981, SKD, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden,
DE (KwieKulik)
2017 Half-Truth, National Museum Warsaw Królikarnia, Warsaw, PL
2017 Black spring. On Wrocław’s independent music scene of the 1980s, Wrocław
2017 Contemporary Museum, Wroclaw, PL
2017 Art in Art, MOCAK, Kraków, PL
Piekary, Poznań, PL (KwieKulik)
2017 OFF-Biennale, Budapest, HU (KwieKulik)
2016 Taste Of Photography Festival, As part of: European Month Of Photography, Bratislava, SK
2016 Shape of Time – Future of Nostalgia, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, RO
2016 Bittersweet times. Baroque and presence in the collection SØR Rusche Oelde/Berlin, Edwin Scharff
Museum Neu-Ulm, DE
2016 Bread and Roses – The Strategies of Class Identification, Museum SztukiNowoczesnej, Warsaw, PL
2016 Oskar Hansen: Open Form, Yale School of Architecture, New Haven, USA (KwieKulik)
2016 After the Rally, Studio Gallery, Palace of Culture and Science, Defilad Square 1, Warsaw,
PL (KwieKulik)
2016 My Favourite Landscape, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, PL (KwieKulik)
2015 ...From the Depth...Artists from the collection of the Silesian Museum, Katowice, PL
2015 War and Peace, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin, PL
2015 Art According to Politics, Foundation Profile, Warsaw, PL
2015 Grammar of Freedom / Five Lessons - Works from the Arteast 2000+
2015 Collection, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, RU
2015 The School of Kyiv, Kyiv Biennial 2015, Kiev, UA (KwieKulik)
2015 Me, You, Us and Them. Exercises on Collectivity, OFF-Biennále, Budapest, HU (KwieKulik)
2014 Feminine Futures, Le Consortium, Dijon, FR
2014 Progress and Hygiene, Zacheta - National Gallery of Warsaw, PL
2014 Wavelenghts, Toronto International Film Festival, CA (KwieKulik)
2014 Oskar Hansen – Open Form, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), ES (KwieKulik)
2014 Franz Graf. See what you sees you, 21er Haus, Vienna, AT
2014 Everybody is Nobody for Somebody, Santander Foundation, Madrid, ES
2014 Report on the Construction of a Spaceship Module, New Museum, New York, USA
2014 Decade of Revolt, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, SE
2014 See what Sees you, 21er Haus, Vienna, AT
2013 Hold und mächtig? Das Bild der Mutter in den Kulturen der Welt. RELíGIO – Westfälisches Museum
für religiöse Kultur, Telgte, DE
2013 The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe since 1945, Palazzo Reale Milan, IT
2013 The Splendour of Textiles, Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, PL
2013 Better Homes, Sculpture Center, New York, USA
2013 BRITISH BRITISH POLISH POLISH: Art from Europe’s Edges in the Long ‘90s and Today, Centre for
Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL
2013 Subjects of Gender and Desire, BWA art gallery, Olsztyn, PL
2012 The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe since 1945, German Historical Museum, Berlin, DE
2012 After the Future, Biennial of Visual Art, eva International, curated by Annie Fletcher, IE
2011 PARTICOLARE – Paths of Democracy, Signum Foundation, Venice, IT
2011 Identity Art Stations Foundation, Poznan, PL
2011 Activities with Dobromierz, Tate Modern, London (Part of KINOTEKA Polish Film Festival), UK
2011 The Power of Fantasy. Modern and Contemporary Art from Poland, Palais des Beaux-Arts BOZAR,
Brussels, BE
2011 Museum of Parallel Narratives - In the frame of L’Internationale, MACBA, Barcelona, ES
2011 A Complicated Relation:, Index, Stockholm, SE (KwieKulik)
2010 The Politics of Collecting – The Collecting of Politics, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, NL
2010 Early Years, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, DE
2009 Target Practice: Painting Under Attack 1949-78, Seattle Art Museum, USA
2009 Awake and Dream, Signum Foundation, Venice, IT
2009 Gender Check, MUMOK, Vienna, AT., Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, PL
2009 11th International Istanbul Bienniali, Istanbul, TR
2009 3xTAK, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, PL (KwieKulik)
2009 Messiahs, MODEM, Debrecen, HU
2009 Menschenbilder 1620/2009, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Wadersloh, DE
2009 6th Photography Biennale, Poznan, PL
2008 A Story Differently Told, CSW Laźnia, Gdańsk, PL
2008 Souvenirs: Repressed Historical and Personal Memory, Ben Gurion University, IL
2008 Cutting Realities: Gender Strategies in Art, The Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, USA
2008 Revolutions 1968, Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, PL
2008 Schengen Women, Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2008 Revolution, I LOVE YOU, International Project Space, Birmingham, UK, and Centre of Contemporary
Art, Thessaloniki, GR
2008 Lichtspuren, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Bochum, DE
2007 1,2,3…Avant-gardes, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL and Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, ES
2007 documenta 12, Kassel, DE
2006 Interrupted Histories, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, SI
2006 Autopoesis, National Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2006 Egocentric, Immoral, Outmoded, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL
2006 Police, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, PL
2006 Deep Light, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, Wilhelmshaven, DE
2005 Warszawa – Moskwa, Zacheta Gallery of Art, Warsaw; The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, RU
2004 E.U. Positive, Kunst aus dem Neuen Europa, Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin, DE
2003 Architecture of Gender, Sculpture Center, Long Island City, USA
2000 2000+ ARTEAST COLLECTION, Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana, SI
1999 After The Wall, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
1996 New Histories, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, USA
1996 Pushing Image Paradigms, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland, USA
1995 Obsessions: From Wundercamer to Cyberspace, Enschede, NL
1993 War, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, AT
1991 Voices of Freedom: Polish Women Artists and the Avant-Garde, The National
1991 Museum of Women In The Arts, Washington D.C.,USA
1991 Wanderlieder, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Selected collections
Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
MoMA NY, New York, USA
Tate Modern, London, UK
National Museum, Wroclaw, PL
KwieKulik: Museum of Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL
Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL
National Museum, Poznan, PL
Art Museum, Lodz, PL
Muzeum Okręgowe, Bydgoszcz, PL
The Upper Silesian Museum, Bytom, PL
Centrum Finansowe Pulawska, Warsaw, PL
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Bochum Museum, Bochum, DE
DG Bank Frankfurt, DE
ING Nederlanden, NL
Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, SI
Hood Museum of Art., Hanover, USA
Eric Franck Fine Arts, London, UK
Kulczyk Foundation, Poznan, PL
Signum Foundation, Poznan, PL
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
Museum of Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL (KwieKulik)
MOCAK, Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow, PL (KwieKulik)
Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU (KwieKulik)
Galeria BWA, Lublin, PL (KwieKulik)